
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Offerings--Three Stories by Mary Anna Evans @maryannaevans

Offerings--Three Stories by Mary Anna Evans
This collection of short stories features three very different protagonists, trapped in situations that will change their lives, for good or ill. Will young Lila lose her beloved sister? Will a man known for his discretion use it to catch a killer...and will he lose his last chance at happiness in the process? And will a woman sworn to heal be able to keep her vow? "A Singularly Unsuitable Word" is seen through the eyes of a child, hiding in the weeds as she watches her sister's kidnapping. "Mouse House" stars a security chief, unsure whether his job will rob him of the love of his life. "Starch" features a nurse, holding the lives of a young woman and her daughter in her two hands. Step into the shoes of three people at their lives' most critical turning points, and see how they prevail.
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