
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Psychosomatic by Anthony Neil Smith @DocNoir

Because Lydia didn't have arms or legs, she shelled out three thousand bucks to a washed up middleweight named Cap to give her ex-husband the beating of his life.

But the beating turns to murder, and the murder into lust and desperation between Lydia and an underworld clean-up man. Meanwhile, overgrown frat boy car thieves take up cop killing as a side hobby. When these paths cross, a horror show of violence unfolds as they all slide into a hell of their own design, surrounded by the neon and noise of the casino strip on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Violent, vivid, life at hyper-speed. This debut novel from the editor of Plots with Guns is a noir nightmare that asks how much is too much in a relationship, and what is the cost of leaving? Ken Bruen calls it "the darkest song I've ever read".

Discussion with author Anthony Neil Smith about Minnesota and Smith's novel "Yellow Medicine". Filmed at the Muskego Public Library in Muskego, WI during the Murder and Mayhem in Muskego writers conference on Nov. 8, 2008.

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