
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Interview with Micheal Rivers @micheal_rivers

The Digital Ink Spot interviewed the author of The Black Witch, Micheal Rivers. Rivers is a USMC veteran and served in Viet Nam. He currently lives in the mountains of North Carolina. Rivers has over 30 years experience investigating paranormal activity. His genres include horror and thriller with an element of paranormal in all of his novels. He is the lead investigator and founder of The Smokey Mountain Ghost Trackers of Western North Carolina.
You can find Micheal Rivers at

The Black Witch (Curse of the Witch) by Micheal Rivers is available now at Amazon

The Digital Ink Spot: I see you are from North Carolina. Is it a scary state?

Micheal Rivers: There are times when it can be a scary state for some. Unexplained phenomena can be difficult for people to comprehend what they are seeing. North Carolina has an abundance of reported hauntings and poltergeist activity. The history of North Carolina is long and filled with the relics of the past that were here when the wars were fought for American independence. The belief is that spirits will attach themselves to these things and make themselves known.

The Digital Ink Spot: What kinds of paranormal activity have you witnessed?

Micheal Rivers:  How many days do you have available to talk? Over my lifetime I have been witness to poltergeists activity, unexplained voices we call EVP’s, or electronic voice phenomena, and the holy grail of hauntings two full body apparitions. Partial apparitions have been experienced dozens of times. My favorite of all of them is to feel the touch of an unseen hand. You can actually see the material being touched move in front of witnesses.

The Digital Ink Spot: What do think is the truth behind paranormal things?

Micheal Rivers:  A large majority of reported paranormal activity can be debunked finding the cause or effect for the event in question. It has been my finding that for some unfathomable reason intelligent haunts have produced answers to question with very accurate facts to back up their claims as to who they once were. Others seem to be residual hauntings with the same scene, usually traumatic, being replayed over and over again. I think the spirits via the laws of physics have somehow found a way to use kinetic energy to reproduce themselves or their voices. This may very well prove there are other planes of existence that coincide with us as suggested by Albert Einstein and others.

The Digital Ink Spot: What have you read that stood out to you and why?

Micheal Rivers:  I have an avid interest in Archeology and read what I can get my hands on whenever possible. I read about what was discovered by German scientists concerning the age of the Sphinx in Egypt. The secrets they discovered told about a civilization that existed 5,000 years before the Egyptians and were a highly advanced society. It gives credence to the fact how far off we are with the history of the world as we know it today. Discovered close to the same time through DNA was a mummy with traces of cocaine and cinnamon. These are two products from two different cultures that were never known to associate with the Egyptians. How did these so called primitive civilizations know about engineering feats that we cannot reproduce with the same accuracy? All of the civilizations before us believed strongly in the world of spirits. What did they know that we do not? I want to know and understand the clues they have left for us to follow.

The Digital Ink Spot: What can readers expect from you in 2012?

Micheal Rivers:  This is an exciting year. My novel Verlige (E-pub) will be the first to be released in March. This will be followed by a new publication of folklore from the mountains of North Carolina. This is being released by Schiffer Publishing Ltd. In the interim I am working on the sequel to The Black Witch. These will be paranormal thrillers.

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