Monday, December 10, 2012

The Gizless Days of Thomas Binder by Seth Kaufman

The Gizless Days of Thomas Binder: A short story from The King of Pain

It's the not-too-distant future. Thomas Binder has been sentenced to six months without his Giz, the government-issued device that connects him to the world, and ordered to attend group therapy. Bored out of his mind, Thomas forages in his grandfather's basement and discovers something he's never seen before. Something he can bring to group therapy and maybe even use to impress the mysterious, elegant and equally gizless Elsa.

Futuristic, dark, but ultimately hopeful and romantic, "The Gizless Days of Thomas Binder" is a must-read for anyone who loves reading, books, ebooks, libraries, and the stories that fuel our lives.

"The Gizless Days of Thomas Binder" appears in Seth Kaufman's The King of Pain, about an outrageous reality TV show producer who wakes up pinned under his home entertainment system. While he waits for rescue, his only distraction is a book called A History of Prisons. "The Gizless Days of Thomas Binder" is one of 9 stories found in the novel. 

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