Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Seraphic Soldiers by Christian King @SeraphicSoldier

Seraphic Soldiers: The Fourth Estate

Centuries ago, God proclaimed to His angelic host that certain individuals had been chosen to complete a special task, one that would remain unknown until the time set for its accomplishment. A demon, who became privy to this announcement, immediately sought to thwart that plan but was kept restrained by a number of God's heavenly warriors. Now, many years later, that demon has learned God will allow a single person's life to be placed in his hands very soon, and he hopes this is the chance to annihilate one of those chosen to fulfill God's will. Several lives hang in the balance, yet, once again, holy angels have been dispatched to keep the demon in line. God's purpose is sure to succeed, but what will the outcome be? Find out in the pages of Seraphic Soldiers: The Fourth Estate.      

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